Will you continue to offer online Worship Experiences?
Yes! We will have our service streaming live to both our youtube page and facebook page. You will still be able to access our online service via the button on our home page.

Why do I need to sign up?
Guidelines set by the provincial government limit attendance. Signing up will help us maximize the number of people attending each gathering to ensure that we stay within our capacity limit.

Where will I enter?
Only the main front entrance (facing the parking lot) will be open to people entering the building in order to help us control entry, count guests and maintain safe social distancing practices.

Will I receive a wellness check as I arrive?
No. However, we are asking you to worship from home if you have any flu-like symptoms, such as fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath.

Do I need to wear a mask?
Yes, according to provincial regulations, we ask that you do wear a mask, while maintaining social distancing.

What type of social distancing can I expect?
Main floor auditorium seating will be rearranged to ensure social distancing. Our ushers will assist with seating.

What type of sanitization can I expect?
Hand sanitizing stations will be available throughout the building and you are strongly encouraged to use them!

What about my kids?
We’re pleased to offer Kids Programming during our service for kids 0-10yrs old. There is limited space, and you will need to register your child ahead of time.

What other changes can I expect?
We will no longer be passing the plate to receive your offering. A donation box has been setup near the entry way to the Worship Centre for your convenience. You can also continue to give online or through e-transfer.